Electrical acupuncture is being used around the world for treatment of acupuncture points from the ancient chinese healing art. Acupuncture points are located all over the body, and in the ear. These points are treated by electrical micro-current instead of using the needles. This method of treatment is preferred by patients for it's comfort level. Auriculotherapy is similar to acupuncture, but it's points are located and treated in the ear. This procedure requires specialized equipment to both locate and treat these points properly. Auriculotherapy points are used in treating musculoskeletal problems, internal conditions, as well as the treatment of addictions (alcohol, drugs, food, gambling, sex), and compulsive disorders (ADD, ADHD). Dr. J. R. Bissland developed the first equipment manufactured in the United States. He is also a CAP (Certified Addiction Professional). Acupuncture, electrical acupuncture, and auriculotherapy are a valuable asset to the chiropractic facility.